Please, I Beg You, Find A Better Way...
I know that you have been told by "experts" that in order to "double your sales" or "expand your network", you need to be sending out X amount of cold messages on LinkedIn a DAY.

The truth is, nothing makes us feel more like just a dollar sign than reading an impersonal, copy/paste message that you know is going out to 100's of others. 

YES- You want to expand your network and make new connections

NO- You do not want to add people you have nothing in common with, you aren't sure you actually WANT to work with and know nothing about... Doing that does more harm than good to your network! 

YES- Be personal, be intentional, be thoughtful, as you connect with others, take a moment to get to know them, and try and create a PERSONAL connection with them. It may take a bit more time, but you will have better results.

NO- You do not need to create a cheesy "personal" copy/paste message or share your life story with every connection. 

Expanding your network is necessary. Reaching out and connecting with those you have not met yet is OK, but don't make people feel like just a number of a dollar sign. Personal authentic connection is what's going to get you the worthwhile results you're looking for. 

If you're looking for more information on how to optimize your Linkedin page, reply to this email and we can set up a time to discuss some things. 

I am here to help you get seen and get hired by helping you stand out from the rest on LinkedIn!
A black and white image of the words kids.